
Archive for November, 2016

Thanksgiving 2016

November 28, 2016 Leave a comment

Spanish American Club hosts Thanksgiving Celebration

By Herman Santa

The Spanish American Club, Inc. hosted the annual Thanksgiving celebration on Saturday, Nov. 27, at the Disabled American Veteran’s Club in Port St. Lucie.  The evening started with cocktails, birthday celebration, door prizes, award and ended with great dancing music.

Before the dance, master of ceremonies and president of the club, Carlos Bonet, welcomed everyone to the party and gave an update of the status of the club and thanked every one of them for their continued support.  Carlos also presented an award to Ron Bryson for his support and dedication to our club.

After the raffles, entertainer, D.J. José Ramírez played the “Happy Birthday” song for members and their guests who were celebrating their birthdays during the month of November. Among them were Luis Carrillo, Vivian Megaro, Ray Guadalupe, Ernesta Monroe, Billy Betancourt, Gus Meza and Denise Bodden.

Raffle winners were Colberto Bodden, Maritza Rivera, Vivian Megaro, Luis Rosa, Gilberto Ferri and Yvonne Bonet. The 50/50 winners were Nancy Rozon, Marlene Nieves and Nereida Pellot.

The club continued a 23-year tradition by distributing food baskets to underprivileged families for Thanksgiving and donating holiday gift bags to needy children in the area. A big “thank you” to the board, the members and their guests who donated the door prizes and brought Christmas gifts for the children.

Next event of the club has been scheduled for a Christmas Dinner Dance Party on Saturday, Dec. 17, at the Sons of Italy Hall on Dalton near Port St. Lucie Boulevard. Reservations are required.  For more information, please contact the president of the club, Carlos Bonet, at For more information about the club, please visit

Photo # 1 (Top) 50/50 winners: From left: Nancy Rozon, Marlene Nieves and Nereida Pellot.

Photo # 2 Members and their guests enjoying the envining

Photo # 3 (Door Prizes) From left: Colberto Bodden, Maritza Rivera, Vivian Megaro, Luis Rosa, Gilberto Ferri and Yvonne Bonet.

Photo # 4 (Birthdays ) From left: Luis Carrillo, Vivian Megaro, Ray Guadalupe, Ernesta Monroe, Billy Betancourt, Gus Meza and Denise Bodden.img_2528-copyimg_2533-copy