
Archive for January, 2023

Golf Eagles 2023

January 12, 2023 Leave a comment

Golf “Eagles” 2023

By Herman Santa

Wayne Walker made an eagle on Friday, April 28, 2023, on hole No. 14, 325 Yards.  He used the driver and landed 3 feet from the hole, then he finished with the putter.  He was part of the SACI golf group with Rob Boals, Tony Scaletti and Colin Edmonds.  Congrats to Wayne.

Chuck Shoemaker made an eagle on Friday, March 3, 2023, on hole No. 18, 464 Yards.  He used the driver then a wedge.  He was part of the SACI golf group with Bob Beaver, Scott Engle and Doug Weidner.  Congrats to Chuck.

Mike Sharpe

Mike Sharpe made an eagle on Friday, February 24, 2023, on hole No. 2, 490 Yards.  He used the driver then a hybrid.  He was part of the SACI golf group with Dominic Terry, Ed Grooms an Ray Guadalupe.  Congrats to Mike.

Norman Robinson made an eagle on Friday, February 10, 2023, on hole No. 17, 310 Yards.  He used the 3 wood and the ball landed 40 foot pin high left side of the green chip.  He was part of the SACI golf group with Richie Torres, Bobby Arroyo and David Santiago.  Congrats to Norman.

Dom Terry with Ed Grooms

Dominic Terry made an eagle on Friday, April 21, 2023, on hole No. 17, 310 Yards.  He used the driver and the putter.  He was part of the SACI golf group with Ed Grooms Tim York and Nick Salvaggio.  Congrats to Dom.

Dominic Terry made an eagle on Friday, February 3, 2023, on hole No. 17, 310 Yards.  He used the driver and the ball landed 20 feet pass the hole, then he finished with the putter.  He was part of the SACI golf group with Ed Grooms an Ray Guadalupe.  Congrats to Dom.

From left: Louis Atilano, Rich Torres, Bobby Arroyo, and David Santiago

Richie Torres made an eagle on Friday, January 6, 2023, on hole No. 14, 325 yard.  He used the driver and landed 30 feet from the hole, then he finished with the putter.  He was part of the SACI golf group with Bobby Arroyo, Louis Atilano and David Santiago.  Congrats to Richie.

Categories: Golf "Eagles" 2023

Assembly 2022

January 1, 2023 Leave a comment

January 9, 2022, General Assembly Meeting:

By Evelyn Delgado

Carlos Bonet reported that he has only received 20 people who has accepted to be at the General Assembly meeting.  Many members had elected not to be present due to the raising Covid situation; others will still be out of town visiting family during the holidays.  Therefore, the Board of Directors took a vote to cancel the 2022 General Assembly.

Having said this, and since no one has elected to run for any positions on the Board, Al Feliciano swore in Carlos Bonet as President.  Carlos Bonet then swore in Al Feliciano as Vice President, Josephine Guadalupe as Treasurer, Evelyn Carrillo as Secretary, Vivian Megaro as Public Relations Director, and Nancy Rozon as Vocal Director.  Ms. Mary Figliola will be sworn in at our next event.  Everyone has accepted their duties in the Board of Directors.

Categories: Assembly 2022