
Archive for the ‘Mother’s 2022’ Category

Mother’s 2022

May 29, 2022 Leave a comment

Mother’s Day Dance 2022

By Herman Santa

The monthly dances of our club are back!  Our 3rd. dance of the year was Saturday, May 28th. at the Disabled American Veterans Club in Port St. Lucie.  The event started with our president and master of ceremonies Carlos Bonet welcoming everyone to the event and gave an update of the status of the club and the next events of the of club. A moment of silence was observed for the members that are not longer with us.  Following the president’s speech, the members and their guests enjoyed a night of camaraderie, food, drinks, and dancing.

From left: Awilda Maldonado, From left Ligia Bernas, Stela Paéz, Rubén Alemán and Rosie Curbelo

During a break, the DJ played a Mother’s Day song and a Happy Birthday song for members and their guests who were present celebrating their birthdays this month, among them were: Awilda Maldonado, Ligia Bernas, Stela Paéz, Rubén Alemán and Rosie Curbelo.

From left: Virginia Feliciano, Sonia Echeverría, Rosie Curbelo, Gisele Borrás, Javier Andrade, Pete Marrero, Lisa Camacho and Carlos Bonet

Door prize winners: Virginia Feliciano, Sonia Echeverría, Rosie Curbelo, Gisele Borrás, Javier Andrade, Pete Marrero, Lisa Camacho and Carlos Bonet. And

From left: Jaime Rojas, Uta McFadden and Pete Marrero

50/50 winners were: Jaime Rojas, Uta McFadden and Pete Marrero.

We hope the members and their guests will join us at our next dance “Father’s Dance” on Saturday, June 25th.  The event will be held at the DAV Chapter 113, 1150 SW California Ave. Port St. Lucie, Fl 34953 from 6:30 PM to 11:00 P.M.  The male members of our club will have free admission.  All other members will be $15 and guests $25.  Please contact Carlos Bonet for reservations at (917) 204-6141 at For information regarding the club, visit our website

Categories: Mother's 2022